I must not think bad thoughts
Blogging the rise of American Empire.


Friday, April 18, 2003

Special Passover Message

Yes, Pesach began Wednesday night. It is the one holiday that I love explaining to people. The most important observances are, of course, dietary. People tend to think that the practices are very limiting, that they leave very little that one can eat. I usually go into Passover thinking that I can use the prohobitions on wheat and leavened products to lose a few pounds. However, it is still a holiday of excess--lots of wine, lots of deserts, just not the king that come out of a box. By the second day (which was yesterday), I am usually searching the aisles of the market looking for special baked goods that are kasher le pesach that are inevitably fattier than what I would have normally eaten. Oh well.

Posted by: Nathanael / 12:11 PM : (0) comments

Monday, April 14, 2003

Note to the people who upheld the safety and sterility of surgical warfare:

Your patient is lying on the table dying. His money and his infrastructure is being bled away by looters. You haven't brought enough aid with you to treat him. THESE ARE THINGS THAT YOU (BUSH ET AL) PROMISED!

Health in Baghdad

The war was justified in part that great care could be taken to protecting civilians by limiting the impact of strikes, by bringing the necessary aid side-by-side with the military advancement, by bringing a lawful regime. These promises have been only partially fulfilled. Despite promises to the contrary, the military expediency has taken priority (yes, the administration was asked about this by reporters and responded in the affirmative to being able to fulfill all these goals.) So far the Iraqis have turned into a lawless people (compare them to the Afghanis, whose gratitude for being freed from the Taliban was geniune rather than "I love democracy ... I got a new computer and 500 vials of vaccine.")