I must not think bad thoughts
Blogging the rise of American Empire.


Saturday, November 22, 2003

Why in the hell am I responding to Ann Coulter?
Ann Coulter is one of the least informative commentators in American politics. I would not normally spend any time on anything that she had to say considering that I would have to duplicate her hysterical tone in order to do so.

On the Ann Coulter website, she was written an long tirade over the democratic presidential hopefuls references to their dead/lesbian/Jewish relations. Her summation:
If the Democrats start extolling you – get a gun.

What the hell? One's relations with one's family are quintessential experiences for any person, and the one's that stick out are the one's that are exceptional. Considering we are still waiting for George jr. to discover for himself that he is not a self-made Texas rancher but a child born from privileged New England money, I can harldy fault the candidates for divulging the details of who they are.

Posted by: Nathanael / 3:12 PM : (0) comments
Mbeki and AIDS
The Boston Globe had an editorial about health policy in South Africa. It is odd how Mbeki is so celebrated for his commitment to fighting AIDS considering (1) he has questioned the link between HIV and AIDS in the past and (2) he has claimed that African governments must fight AIDS and HIV by improving health care in general. On the last point Mbeki was proven to be correct: a Cambridge study from early this year showed that the poor health systems in African countries were the primary cause for the spread of the HIV virus, not sexual activity.

In (inter)related news, the cost of AIDS drugs in poor countries had been reduced to $132 per patient per year, thanks to the efforts of the benevolent Clinton Foundation (use your best Kotos voice.)